You may participate here

You are welcome to:
1. send invitation to me in sharing meditation, body and mind well being to the group or yourself in the location I am visiting. You can also email me for questions or helps you may need from me.
2. support with any mean, such as transport, clothes, food (if possible, vegetable, fruits and nuts only), medication, supplements and so on.
3. support in the form of donation.

For all the support given, don't forget to make wishes. In the teaching of Burmese tradition, all meritorious are subjected to good result, does not matter we wish for it or not. Since the result will come, the good way is to make wishes to direct the result to a place which best suited our need and benefit for life.
If you don't have much wishes, you may wish for unconditional happiness and peace, which is the highest wish.

Contact me:
You may contact me via: c o r a l . m e d i t a t e (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m
or using the form below...

Join Us: Cultivating Mind-Body Well-Being Together

Dear Friend,

I trust this message finds you well and at peace. 🙏

May you and your family be blessed with well-being and happiness.

As for me, I continue my practice of meditation, sharing its wisdom as I wander—a journey sustained by the generosity of those who support this path.

Since 2009, countless seekers have approached me, seeking guidance on nurturing their body and mind. Families and individuals alike have reaped the fruits of our shared practice, witnessing growth and transformation. Their progress fuels my commitment to this sacred endeavor.

None of this would be possible without the unwavering support of friends and kind souls around the world. Their contributions take diverse forms: providing shelter, nourishment, medicine, transportation, and most importantly, the energy of wisdom and compassion.

And now, dear friend, I invite you to join this compassionate circle of support.

How can you contribute?

Financial Support: You can contribute via PayPal or any other means you prefer. Simply email me at c o r a l . m e d i t a t e (a t ) g m a i l (d o t) c o m, specifying the form of support you wish to offer.

Other Forms of Assistance: Whether it’s providing transport, accommodation, meals, or even sharing your wisdom, every gesture matters.

After your offering, make heartfelt wishes, for these acts of kindness generate positive merits that ripple through our lives.🌸

Feel free to reach out for our help in form of healing, meditation session or retreat, even if you choose not to participate directly. Your words and thoughts are valued.

Together, let us share the blessings and merits of our collective meditation practice. May all our aspirations manifest!

With deep respect, Corale Sun


Feel free to explore the link for current events and be part of this beautiful journey. 🌸

These were the past events:

May all good wishes come true with the power of meditation!